The Future for Animals

Hellooo kinda new to this forum thing hope you all are well!!

About animals do any of you think that they’ll add passive ones or even neutral ones?? All we have right now are sharks and soon to be bears once Full Release is here. I know they’ll add more sea monsters like the Archturtle which is more of a passive animal but im just curious about peoples thoughts (sorry if it’s a stupid question😭)

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I believe brown bears (or whatever the ones spawning outside of caves are) will be neutral until provoked in some way

That would be cool honestly just get close to it and take a picture

I think vetex posted a list of what he was adding, lemme find it rq

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Daaang, thank you!!

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who do we ping for the “welcome to our club” thing?

is it @ThatOneGuy ?

Electricboi’s dementia is getting worse

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my memory has been vanishing ever since I stopped pvping, by the time release drops I will have forgotten that rb1 got banned.

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