The game is not worth playing right now. [Rant]

Actually I wanted to add the difficulty onto one of my points

I know this is early game n stuff but the game has generally a really low skill ceiling when it comes overall gameplay at the moment.

It’s just boring, sometimes to the point of agitation

I would use an agility set too But I can’t be bothered to try and find the same 5 items scattered across a 5k+ item inventory



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we need less grinding.
more exp from shit like quests.
the only good thing about the grinding is that there aren’t any AA-style difficulty spikes.
Those sucked.
Having to go back to Savaria and working up a new pair of big boy shorts was stupid
And it was all to kill Verdies
Anyways- what was I saying?
Yeah right. Grinding sucks.

Sailing is better than walking. There are many types of boats and many scenarios that can happen. Kraken, sharks, tornadoes, storms, waves, AG if you are bad rep, Pirates if you are any rep, other players. It was a lot more fun and it felt like a genuine sailing experience. While WoM is just walking and maybe just meet some bandits which are not that fun to fight against anyway.

I think the nice thing about sailing was that the movement happened automatically and it lended itself really well to group play (everyone sails on the same boat).

World of Magic leans more towards solo play, even when you’re in a group, since you’ll find way more stuff if you split up.
There’s also not the same kind of down time where you could train magic or chat or whatever when on the move, since you have to hold W and walk around trees and stuff.

I can agree and disagree with you

Vetex does listen to criticism but his fixes arent that great
I understand why you feel the minotaur and exiled farming are very grindy, because well they are.
As for a bit WoM will be lacking in content due to it being just released. The point in WoM right now is to get a headstart against others and prepare for the next major update. While thats not actually the point of the game i think its fair to say that since, as said, the game is lacking in content.
Arcane was grindy, nobody complained, WoM is grindy, everybody complains.

World of Magic is already a relatively difficult game, the AI is better than Arcane and the PVP is like none other game on roblox.
Do I think you are right with the grindy part? Yes, of course. But the game is supposed to be grindy. Arcane was grindy and WoM is related to Arcane. So I don’t know why it’s a big surprise to people when they realize that WoM is grindy.

The fact of the matter is, Arcane was fun to grind, for some reason it was fun to spam the r button to level. In wom its RIDICULOUSLY boring to level; most players quit before getting level 30.

edit: the game needs some sort of mobility buff

Yeah thats exactly it, spamming R at least made you feel more productive than walking miles for accepting, then doing, then returning quests.

AA wasnt as grindy as WoM or atleast it didn’t seem so since it was fun. And even spamming the R button and magic moves to level up stats is still better than having to do 20 quests each 700m away for that one magic move I want. Spamming the magic/stamina moves atleast let you watch some video while you spammed the shit out of it for some hours BUT it paid off. This however you are required to pay attention and its literally just not fun.

I think the quests are more fun than spamming moves… but that’s just my opinion

However i can respect your opinion

Sure dude people here mostly respect each other opinions. All I am saying is that having to do the same quests and having to travel the map tens of times is worse than having to spam R and just watch some video while doing it because ATLEAST THEN you are having some kind of fun (even if it isnt because of the game itself)

R-RESPECT OPINIONS?? What kind of forum IS THIS??

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On the subject of Vetex taking criticism, I kind of agree.

I might be confusing him for a different dev, but historically, he has NOT taken well to criticism or people arguing with him. He’s a great developer, but he doesn’t like being told that he’s wrong or could have done something better. I can’t blame him, it sucks.

However, while he might publicly say “no fuck off” and shit on someone’s suggestion, he usually takes it into consideration.
As previously mentioned by someone else, he (might) have taken the enchanting scroll idea from someone else. He also said he was not changing the Sunken droprate, but he DID end up changing it.

To summarize, while it might seem like Vetex doesn’t listen to feedback, he (probably) does.

it’s been like this since arcane adventures, maybe evne before that

yoo how are you not a regular you need too join to cool bois :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

I like how people are forgetting the fact that he is literally 19 - 23yr he is basically a young adult lol and he has family too lol. :rofl: :joy: :sweat_smile:

People forget developers actually have lives nowadays sheesh.

Just gonna leave my two cents here and say AA’s locations were more interesting because they had vastly different environments to them compared to others in their own sea. Right now WoM feels too same-y and towns simply don’t have the same distinction as islands with towns had (probably because a lot of them were so out-of-the-way and well-defined against the sea).

I also really enjoyed sailing by myself or with a friend or group since, if by myself, I could reliably be left alone since you’d have to go relatively out of your way to interact with me, but I could walk around on the ships and stuff. As of now, travel is based on your agility and you can’t do it as freely because of stuff like stamina, so you have to slow down for a bit. This wasn’t really an issue with AA since your boat did the traveling for you (maybe not true if you used a row boat) and was generally pretty fast so that when you did find an island to explore you had all the stamina you needed. That being said, I’m excited for the horses to come so we may fix this.

So basically locations feel really same-y compared to AA and the movement kind of prohibits exploration (will likely be fixed with horses). Understandably, part of issue one is that the climate is not as dynamic as AA’s, so I know with a larger map this won’t be a problem.

The solution to my “complaints” (more like simple comparisons) is to wait for more content, which I’m pretty happy to do since I have other stuff.

Nah i mean like he spends about 2 hours a day and he has a very large playerbase sooo he should spend more time like about 2 - 5 hours

yep i agree like i said sailing was in any game is fun. transportation really makes a game fun