The good and the bad

They’re throwing false allegations at me.

loki said he’s “the bad” of the forum for that incident

We’re bullying a pedophile for being a weirdo and defending his anime pedo stuff


yea pretty much

Fuck matey, I wish I had wit like that.

God, I hate roblox games and their ability to attract pedos

Isn’t that one game with the flower mascot made at least partially by a pedo

oh yeah did i talk about biologlol and how he said shit and then got banned and made an alt called “spiritofbiologlol”

Now that’s just slander.

Yeah one of the staff members turned out to be a pedo, and she was fired not for this reason

wait, dandy’s world?

diddy’s world

I saw that.

ok so realistically i think on a forum that is mostly minors you should prooooobably not be having that kinda stuff as a pfp


Probabaly change thar to mostly minors since most people count kids as under 13s

If misinput didn’t take his background down he probably would’ve kept it

thank you

i don’t think we should be having this kinda person on the forums to be perfectly honest

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in conclusion: mr colon is freaky as shit

(common mis w)

okay yeah that is messed up, does anyone know why or when this was