The good and the bad

who do you consider in the forums absolute evil or the most pure saints through all of arcane odyssey

i think i’m just neutral.

Who one earth isn’t going to say rb1 he is literally the dark lord of the forums

As much as I’d love to say Fridge, Deron, or Rb1, we’ve had people who’ve committed actual crimes on here. Like, stuff that could legitimately get them jailed.

Actually, even knowing that, I’m still going to say Fridge and Rb1 are the worst here.

deron is the little annoying side antagonist (revon)

deron 100%

Man shut yo- flashbang gawd damn

Mr. Oleg


Bro is somehow considered worse than actual pedo’s

I’ll just drop this here and you decide which one this is


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You just had to fucking remind me that this person existed.

I’d name him but then he’d come here and start another long-ass pointless argument


Neutral evil

I am the one who revived after 3 months just for the rp series and actually reincarnated as a whole

Frog pfp who posted pipe bomb instructions, my beloved :heart: (/j)

I feel like picking actual criminals is easy, but too obvious. People who are nuisances are probably the better answer here, like rb1.

Btw who in the world is fridge?

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This guy.

To this day I’m not sure if he’s just been baiting everyone, or if his opinions really are this selfish and single-minded.

I’m on demon timing

rb1 and 1br (rb1’s not evil twin)

probably the guy with the rabbit picture who had a lot of cp i don’t remember what they were called