The Grass Islands


This island (or group of islands) used to belong to the Reuines empire… But did it truly?

A long time ago, Arcalusia (ruled under the arcanian order) used to control this island. There was a town called Peritown but unfortunately that town was blown to smithereens by the Reuines Empire. Now it was a fort for high ranking officials of the Reuinesian Legion (that rhymed) to maintain and look after. There were farms and other stuff too. Eighty years later, the island was attacked by the Borellia Realm. Now the island laid to waste was never claimed again. Instead some outsiders set their camps and live on this island. You can see the ruins of the old fort.

More coming soon!


Some extra images!

The Farm

Reuines Empire Banner


That looks good! I am so happy more and more art like this is seen instead of the stuff that made me A N G E R Y .

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what makes you angry, may i ask?

The true odyssey of existence. That was a fun argument, though many people don’t really feel the same.

cool shit :nod:
i wonder what that could be

Fair warning, ‘‘PAL’’ that if I see you on the streets, YOU ARE TOAST!! I Cannot tolerate a single person who dares to insult my beloved artist idol, @anon94879859! Now, you either delete that reply with the little SILLY, STUPID, FALSE AND WRONGFUL VIDEO or I WILL TAKE ACTION!

Jesus christ what happened??? :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:

a c c i d e n t

reminds me of bronze grasslands

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I was also thinking that! Nice to know that someone else thinks the same way.

hell yeah i love lore

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we do not talk about the time bro accidentally told me to go back the kitchen :skull:

I ecksplained that incident alright? It was due to me writin stuff fast -_-

I know, I’m chill with it now but I’m still gonna crack a joke about every time art category shenanigans are mentioned

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wish i was included in this true alpha sigma moment chat

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