The Ice Age Build

You can probably figure out what I’m using. I almost crashed some clan yesterday with this. Now that this build is finished, I have reached my Super Santa form and will induce the Ice Age upon any server that I touch. :cold_face:

The video doesn’t embed for some reason but you can still click it to open it (not an ip grabber I swear…)


you are an inspiration to all ice magic users

Thank you my brother in frost.

Ice… Age.

–Marine Admiral Aokiji

Screenshot 2023-03-13 010504



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This can only mean one thing

The Iceapocalypse has come.

Iris would not be happy with this

pettition for vetex to add the :ice_cube: or :cold_face: reactions to the forums

We need this…

We must cover the bronze sea in snow and ice!

Yeah sadly enough intensity or attack size is probably what makes the ice platforms themselves bigger, and I only have 200 size and no intensity.

Be careful though, It appears to you can set the environment (or at least ships) on fire more easily now as well

Sunken isn’t the best for attack size anymore.

Yep, Aereus is, by like a few points of size.

Aereus is much easier to get as well

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Max size isn’t what I’m using btw.

DEATH has already hit Ravenna.