The Identity of the Second Baron

For once I think I might actually have a plausible theory: And that’s the identity of the Second Baron under King Calvus.

And that is Jorund, Leader of the Jaw Pirates.

If you head to Sailor’s Lodge, you can find some really interesting people to talk to, with a variety of topics they mention.

A man called Louis Fitzpatrick will tell you about the Jaw Pirates, and how their leader Jorund has been getting a pretty large bounty as of late.

In Patreon chat, Vetex may have hinted that the Second Baron will be

  • In a large side-quest line unrelated to the main storyline.
  • Not from Ravenna.

This eliminates Lord Ulricus as a potential Baron, leaving very few strong enough to be the Second.
However what I think confirms Jorund’s presence in the Order is what Louis says next,
As we’ve already theorised that Commodore Kai is affiliated with the Order, due to the line he says on his death “Ooh look at me, I have a dark secret.” , this could be suggesting the reason the Grand Navy won’t stop the Jaw Pirates is because their leaders are all part of the same evil conspiracy.

They’ve also been spotted near Ravenna (Probably for meetings with other Order members)

Well that’s just a theory,
(A completely fractured and nonsensical)

I don’t care who the 2nd baron is, he’s getting the brakes beaten off of him

he doesnt use deodorant (he is an ao player)

actually caring about characters and the world’s story VS just wanting to massacre everything and get max attack size troll builds with high power

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the human urge to massacre winterveil again

the order won’t be eating good after this one when I go on an arcane odyssey and use my domain expansion: a world of magic, to destroy their arcane lineage.

I’ll look into the sky as I impale the voxlblade into my enemy and establish my loomian legacy, and I’ll say “this was truly a my hello kitty cafe”

Sounds like an arcane adventure

“are you on some kind of arcane adventure?” the order agent would say to me, coughing up blood.

“you don’t need to know.” I scoff at the fodder dying as I’ve impaled him with a wooden trident.

“I can’t… believe… my adventure story ends here…”

“and now you’ll be lost to the decaying winter” I prepare to destroy the island with my ultimate art: oak judgement

“you’re not strong enough for this world of magic”

“your tales of tanorio ends here”

whitesummit has been destroyed by dubioustyp0

Arwald’s probably the guy we really need to worry about. He’s mentioned only once in Fort Talos, but he’s probably the guy who will be the other Baron of Ravenna.

Nah I think it’s safe to assume he’ll have either some story relevance in the Nimbus sea or have a large scale side quest based around him there, he and Ulricus mention him building a fleet or something there
I doubt he’s associated with the Order since he basically betrayed everyone and left

either jorund is the second baron or a legendary ship fight

could just be coincidence but isnt Jorund’s name in the same color as the Order?

or is the Order more purple…?

I did go crazy for a moment thinking Jorund’s name was a deeper purple than every other character mentioned, but I compared the text and it looks pretty similar


Obviously, Kai’s death dialogue implies a possible connection to the Order. BUT it also indicates that he’d rather die by our hand then “theirs.” As we all know, the Order isn’t the type to give second chances. This could mean one of two things. It could mean Kai was simply converted to the Order’s cause, and just knew what would happen if he failed or got ousted as a spy. OR it could mean that they had something on him, some sort of leverage they could use to coerce or blackmail a Navy Commodore into becoming a contact for the Order, and using his authority to divert the Navy’s attention away from the Jaw Pirates, and thus, away from the Order.

uber necro

The second barons probably gonna be a side boss

Castrum boss

this is an old post that someone necroposted but if you look at the actual dialogue colors in the wiki dialogue source no connection

I think Julian, Revon, Ulricus, Olivar, Kai, Merlot or Arwald aren’t the Baron.

Reason: Doesn’t seem to even know of the order’s existence, seems to be only loyal to Ravenna. At the coridor he mentions “I don’t know what your motives are” or smth.

Reason: Too weak and emotional.

Reason: 1. Seems to genuienely care for his children’s safety, something the order isn’t fond of. 2. Preoccupied with Arwald, and doesn’t seem to care about the order.

Reason: 1. Never once mentioned. 2. Likely dead.

Reason: 1. Him being a sideboss doesn’t fit a Baron cuz General Argos is a main boss. 2. I don’t think a Commodore is strong enough to be considered a Baron. 3. His “secret” seems to be more affiriated to the Syndicate.

Reason: Doesn’t seem like he knows the member and is only loyal to the Syndicate. Besides, his base is pretty small for a Baron.

Reason: Doesn’t seem to fit the order’s interests, and directly opposes Ravenna, and betrays them.

With that, this only leaves two possible candidates:


Holds significant influence, has a lot of underlings, likely a formidable oppoment, and quite mysterious. He’s a likely candidate.

Unnamed Fort Castrum Commander

I’m betting on this one. He is quite similar to General Argos. First, it is said he is a boss, which fits the trait of General Argos. Second, he is likely powerful, and holds great influence. Third, he is in charge of a military fortress. There is one weird thing tho, is that we never got to know his name. He might not be Ravennan since Ravenna has plenty of Generals. Maybe a mercernary? After all, many Kingdoms hired mercernaries back then.