The kekw guy died

Spanish comedian Juan Joya Borja, better known as El Risitas, passed away due to illness on April 28th, 2021. His interview with the TV show Ratones coloraos back in 2007 rocketed him into Internet fame mostly thanks to his constant squeaky and wheezing laughter.

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bro u really want talk dnc to everthing today

that poor dude, he was super funny.

We lost another legend :c

fly high ):

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Out of all people, why him?

May he laugh in heaven

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and you’re gone now :poggers2:

enjoy the consequences of being an insensitive asshole



may he laugh in heaven

yknow what, fuck you
go step on legos

May you not rest in peace (Don’t actually die though)

You deserved that suspension very much so.

just cuz you dont care doesnt make you look cool, eat that fking suspension

That’s not a pro gamer move

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you deserve your suspension tbh