The Largest AO Forum Tier List

Looking through the list, I can conclude that some people may be missing

i am not based enough to be included :pensive:

apparently im mid, well better then not being remembered ig(even tho i only used to talk alot here back in 2020)

considering the fact that there are 300+ people below you, i wouldnt complain

ya ya, in fact im good with it haha

guess i gotta make do when I probably was part of the 400 who got glitched out of this Tier List

@ShadowJGaming nice Monty Python pfp

I did get all the images just not all of them went through, idk why.

This is the largest AO forum tier list and i’m still not in here.

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I tried :nod:

400 people missing in there, pretty sure I’m not even in there.

At least you tried

there is no me ;-;
I angy now on you!

Ah ok, shame it can’t go that far

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I dont think im included either

Your lucky I HATE THAT WATER PFP and of course of all days to save my pfp APIRL FOOLS IS THE ONE TK PICK

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i don’t see myself anywhere

Thanks, glad to see a fellow Monty Python enthusiast

Like fifth time now but I did get everyone who had the Member badge (minus suspended users + those without a pfp). Just tier list maker likes to just not add images sometimes. Idk what could be the cause. I do remember getting your pfp though, 100%. Might show a picture of the folder when I get home :fr:

Not on the entire list so fuck you and now you have to make the entire tier list (from scratch) because I (the superior fourmer to all of you) am not on this tierlist
