The Largest AO Forum Tier List

I was enough of a mad man to download all those image files, over 1,000 in total, not that much of a mad man to sort through them and list them. That suffering, forumers, I bring onto you. However there’s an issue.

Despite my efforts I was not able to get all the images onto the tier list. Some images just straight up don’t work for tier list maker and I do not know why. I did a test tier list earlier with like 10 images all of varying file types (gifs, pngs, jpgs) and it seemed to work fine. But when I poured 1000 of them into there. I might try to fix this some time and make a tier list with an actual 1000+ people but for now there are exactly 600 forumers included in this tier list. Some you will know, most you will not.

Have fun with that.


how much free time do you have

This took roughly 2~ hours :fr: and I spent over 3 days making it. Not a lot of free time. :frcryin:

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I know like 15 ppl off the top of my head so I’m not gonna even attempt this

thats alot of people

Out of all those people the only ones I recognized were vetex and that druid dude or whatever his name was from suncry

i think its missing a few people

i just threw the people i barely knew and mods in meh, also theres surprisingly a large amount of people with anime pfps especially seven deadly sins, i also thought id be able to do way better because ive read so damn many posts especially old ones but nope


Where the heck am I . I just realized it’s that water magic icon I wore for a day

damn theres a guy with a fawful pfp

respect i guess

Sadly U saved the water pfp I had a day ago I HATE THAT

wasnt that guys name something like necrobumper or bumper or something and apparently mightve been a wax alt/other space guy pfp alt that i forgot his name

i do not care who you are or where you originated without bias from mimhere is on top :muscle::goat:


I don’t know why I expected myself to be on this one, I haven’t done anything on the forums except lurk around for months.

Holy shit you actually did it

yes I did

I just have one question
