The Last Message

I wish to be one again

However I cannot do it myself

He has scattered parts of my body

Far and hard enough for me to move them

I seek help from all of you once more

Before I sink further down the depths of this world

Although I cannot exactly say where they are

For this would be against my punishment

I have given all of you the clue to find parts of my body

It’s all up to you all to find them

I trust you humans, who has infinite possibility of knowledge

what happens if i say no

also we’re in quarantine and kinda cant explore the world because we dont wanna catch a disease and die

bot is dead

what is this even about???

Are you really making a Easter Egg Hunt in the forums right now ;-;

this guy has existed before, he isnt new


ok so clues are probably the last 4 or 5 topics he’s made


God,L1 losed his parts
Damm thats gonna be hard

bot’s dead
this is so sad

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The first contains his heart, the second his body, the third his legs, the fourth his arms, and the fifth his head.
I don’t know if that is all to the puzzle, but that’s likely the case.
Very interesting way to spend my time, I’ll say.

ok who has been suspended eternally thus far, who the fuck is this man

wait this could also help, maybe with the log id’s

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So, his heart is the alphabet? Well, time to assemble him ig.

I think I managed to sew him back together, what do y’all think?


you did it

Even if this isn’t the real body it’s most definitely better than the original.

Ok we finded the parts,but how the Fuck we fix L1 now?

Has no one tried decoding his name?