the center includes the outer islands so it’s around here
the center is NOT here
this is probably why it’s so terrible for treasure charts to be on this island hope this helps.
the center includes the outer islands so it’s around here
the center is NOT here
another day of thanking myaltaccountmadethis for making the treasure chart locattor
unrelated but how the fuck did this criminal get away with burying his treasure inside of the village of all places
Average pirate captain pre dark sea update moment.
he did it at night gg
clearly undetectable
This is life changing
truly stealth master he drank a invisibility 5 potion
I personally find shell island charts much easier than frostmill, i’ve actually never been able to solve a frostmill chart on any of my files
We now know that anyone who burys treasure drinks invisibility 5 potions when burying it
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