A drawing of my main “Kaine Continello” vs that one Legendary Atlantean we’ve all seen before. Ill post a time-lapse of the drawing process on my youtube channel.
Normal Version:
Blurred Version (i prefer this one):
A drawing of my main “Kaine Continello” vs that one Legendary Atlantean we’ve all seen before. Ill post a time-lapse of the drawing process on my youtube channel.
Normal Version:
Blurred Version (i prefer this one):
he gets negged immediately
Shit this reminds me of Ludwig the Accursed Holy Blade from Bloodborne
This look cool!
He parries it.
how much blocking power does he have
Infinite, thanks to theroblox studio curse.
The Earth Trembles
The sea becomes restless
Rain pours down heavily
It seems like your journey is coming to an end
You are filled with the will of the gods
Fun fact, this attack would kill Undead Prometheus (the final boss of Arcane Adventure) eight times over with damage to spare.
I never thought the most informed AO YouTuber with the most annoying sounding text-to-speech would be such a good artist
OH HECK YA, This is awesome!!
HOLY SHIT!!! This is some legendary art!
Durza created a monster not even he could defeat.
Truly an arcane obessey.