The marketplace is flawless with no bugs whatsoever!


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What happens if you buy it?

Well the marketplace got shutdown a few minutes later so we will never know

Unless this hacker exploited some extremely severe flaw, it probably does nothing

I haven’t seen any exploiters with custom spells, I don’t think this guy’s an exception

You never know with those fuckers

Hover honestly could’ve been real considering it was previously coded though

Seeing as AO was built off of the framework for WoM, the code for hover might just be somewhere in the game

this is how the hover spell was made.

Think the Hover spell was kept in the game in case Vetex ever wanted to add it as a Rare Spell. Chances are unlikely though, given that he hasn’t done that already.

custom items :sob: nah vetex i was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt with the whole custom magics thing but come on bro fix your shit please