The message system is probably getting removed (also maybe even chat as a whole)

you are misunderstanding, i can tell you do not use studio or know much about it. for one, the post roblox made was TERRIBLY communicated. textchatservice just means the usage of that service. textchatservice is not the UI roblox is forcing, it is simply the service that powers text chatting. the meaning that all games have to migrate by april is that legacychatservice will stop working at that point and the engine will force textchatservice onto all games that still use legacy.

does this mean vet is gonna have to pause full release to release this roblox compliant chat thing by january?

it is literally like 2 or 3 lines of extra code he needs to add. this isn’t a major change, at least for AO, as everyone is playing it out to be.

no he just needs to add the api.

the chat itself will be fine

the only problem would be the mailing system, dunno much about coding but that might be a bit harder to integrate. but should be possible, and if mailing is gone for a bit that’s fine tbh, just shouldn’t take too long

its the exact same, except direct chat api. quite literally the easiest change you can ever make. for global messages, use the same api for chat lol

Ah sweet we are going to be canonically mute if this gets through

But yeah I feel like vetex can literally just replace it easily. It is just an API change unless it is vastly different

if vetex gets rid of chat, he will go down as the dumbest & most illiterate roblox dev ever. ima ping him in patreon again and see if he saw what i said.

welp time for arcane adventures to happen again :skull:

Also this almost certainly affects WoM, AA people won’t really care though, and Adventure Story

So sad…

Moochezz friend me on roblox (user: DeronChepem) and make ur group the official group of arcane sandbox :pray: !

AA is now triple dead


but I enjoyed hopping on the game every 5 months

I like the idea of vetex disabling chat completely and instead just adding a whole bunch of emotes/similar ways of communication.
It would be really tedious, but probably for a few days it would be funny

vetex better just replace it with voice chat and griddy

Or the real best alternative, a really obnoxious text to speech voice that plays in a proximity and reads out what you would have said in chat

make it like the cowcowmanmanthingit voice from ploxy awards

“Hey guys today I got a sunken sword.”

That or a certain one that someone (who was definitely on the forums at some point I’m not sure if that’s still the case) used to use in youtube videos.
I’m not going to elaborate any more but you can try to guess from my vague description if you want

the one where it sounds like nasal spongebob?

That’s the one

??? i use studio like every day lol, the issue is not the ui (if he said it is then yea he’s wrong about that), the issue is the distance based chats, though I haven’t checked the limitations of textchatservice (im assuming vetex did)

ok nevermind distance based chat is possible cause textchatservice has the events to support it, vetex says he knows now as well so it’s all good :+1:

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