The Metaverse Champions Event Picked Some of the WORST Games

What the hell I got 3 kills easily. THough I’m older than most people that will play it so erm, yeah.

they removed funny eggs for this


Here’s an update about [FREE ADMIN].

It’s real. The developer wasn’t messing with us or something. IT REALLY GOT INTO THE EVENT, FOR REAL. Oh my god.

The mission for the crate is just as bad as you think. You have to kill 25 players in the game with a gear.

I shall say no more.


bro lmao
roblox hitting newer lows every year
just like level said though. they’ve probably already weighed the financial benefits and decided on this.


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quantity over quality at this point
nobody’s gonna buy the passes from the 180 games anyway (my opinion)


‘godly admin’
‘owner admin’
‘youtuber admin’
‘legendary admin’



im going to punch roblox

Also, a game called Field Trip Z has literally the laziest possible objective.

All you have to do is join the game and go into a bus to get the crate. Seriously.