The minotaur's hut

The minotaur's hut
convenience 4.0 3 fairness 3.5 2 trustworthiness 5.0 2

other sunkens / boss drops / specific items that you request

hmmm if you can come up of a trade that could be beneficial for us both then maybe

Give me all your vasts and I will give you one crown. :mariomug:

@Misinput DAMMMNNN

you giving so much just for vastiras?

i think i am gaining so much for this trade that i will give you it just for 0 crowns

you know Iā€™m not the type to make offers :niceman:

can you give me a picture of your inventory so i can pick certain things i can have?

check this list

can i please have 2 headless and some crappy enchanted sunkens?

straight up scam attempt

what can you offer?

i told you that i am not good at trades

yeah you couldā€™ve lowballed; not straight up attempt to scam meā€¦

i have not been to the market for a long time so i dont know prices

Are you trading any of your headless?

donā€™t even fucking try with your abysmal reputation lmaooo


also forgot to mention that he doesnā€™t play anymoreā€¦ at least until ao

What i can pay for a oathkeeper?

Bruh heā€™s not playing the game anymore, wait for AO if you wanna get something from him and ask someone else. That being said what enchant :mariomug:?