The month of preparation

That’s a lie and they most likely know it, unless you are going full magic training WoM basically doesn’t help and the numerous new ways for mobility make it slightly less effective. :man_shrugging:

their wom training doesnt mean shit when i can just pull up and sink their ships for shits and giggles

try it in ao

you will fear me once mortars are added

You’ll get vaporized in a 1v37 against all of suncry

Suncry :sunny: :sunglasses: Grand Fleet Rank 1 Day 1 :point_up: :nerd_face:
Salute to your Fleet Admiral :saluting_face:


fuck no, i believe in the one piece because the one piece is real :pray:

Latom :pray: :sunny: :sunglasses:

Common suncry L

:clown_face: Bozo :clown_face:

Ok emperorSolstice :frpensive:

Don’t worry, you can still become the very best trader :sunny: :sunglasses: :point_up:

can I challenge u at becoming the number 1 meat rider ?

true, true

no all the new gens r usually ass

Can u arrogant lot stop about this idc anymore

Why’d you comment in the first place my mans

Bc i keep getting commented are u dumb?

Unfortunate, just ignore them eh? Lets secure peace within magius Latom :pray:

Are u in suncry latom or cc ?