឵the news (minus the pandemic)

“I read the news to stay current” is something I hear too many a person say in defense as to why they watch the news.

I’ve been personally criticized in the past for not “KEEPING UP TO DATE”, so I did eventually give in and start to watch and read the news more regularly.
And in doing so, I came with this conclusion: the news is stupid and is ultimately completely unecessary.

Before you mald at me, let me explain.

Of course it’s important when earth-shattering events like 9/11 is happening because there’s a potential you could get impacted by it, and because the results from it will change the rules and regulations of the world for the immediate future.
I’m talking more about the celebrity stories, such as what some celebrity is going to name their baby–

When I say I hate the news, what I primarily mean is the 6:00 news, or whatever time is on from your country; where you have the eternal old-looking man paired with a woman presenter who gets replaced when corporate executives decide she’s not attractive for television anymore, whereas the male presenter seems to stay around for seemingly infinite amounts of time, like they’re a God or something.

And of course, you have newspapers.
They both feel dated to me now, cause primarily to the instant nature of the Internet, where we can pick and choose whatever we want to read about at any time that’s convenient to us.

And does anyone else notice the ludricous methods of writing down their top stories and headlines!?
On tonight’s show, a couple brutally murdered and mutated to genetically altered super pigs!

It comes across to me like some sort of joke.
It seems to me that the only intention for these news outlets exist is to spark a conversation with your friends.
guy 1: mate, did you hear about that guy who dropped 40 billion puppies down the river?
guy 2: no? well that sucks. thanks for ruining my day, asshole

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to hear about EVERY bad thing happening in the world.
I know it happens. Nothing I can really do to change anything about it. And what good does knowing that some murderer has killed a bunch of people in a small town?

Another part of the problem is that people would believe anything written down or presented by a pretty lady on television.
“hey! you shouldn’t play video games! they will turn you into a murderer!”
“wait, what? what evidence is there to prove it?”
“well, I read it in the newspaper!”

Ultimately, it’s just another form of entertainment, adding a glossy coat onto something that is completely bland 89% of the time. I guess the silver lining is that no one is forcing you or me to watch or read anything. But when somebody criticizes me, you or anyone else for that matter, for not keeping up with the news, because it’s so important, tell them to fuck off.


It’s impossible to know every situation around the world so I simply don’t really care about much events that happen in the world unless they’re really that important like you said something similar to 9/11 or if the U.S is going to war with another country. Not a regular, average person can go up to a nation and say, “Hey, stop messing with this country, it’s bad” so why even bother. Of course it’s good to be knowledgeable about things around the world but finding out everything in detail is just not worth the time to do so.

Now of course you can’t just not be aware about any news at all, as that will cause a whole bunch of confusion to your life. For example, someone that I know didn’t even know that the U.S. Presidency had transferred onto another person until I told them. In all, the news can be okay but I don’t need to try and understand everything that’s going on in the world.

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It’s important to have some idea of what’s going on in the world, but a lot of media is just a mode of polarization. I think having a bit of a social media presence is enough to get a general idea of what’s going on in the world.

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Recently, I’ve been attempting to be like a friend of mine and sort of not really give a shit. It surprisingly works, although I still read the news.

There’s a little Canadian comedy series called “This hour has 22 minutes”. It’s styled in the form of a news broadcast. They make jokes about current world events, politics, stupid people, and all that nice stuff.

Now, you’re probably thinking: “Robin, thats cool and all, but what does this have to do with the actual news?”


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when slapstick reference comedy is more reliable in contrast to news outlets :fr:

Canada at it’s finest

I have just One(1) thing to say.

Fuck the News

You guys check the news?

safety transport mechanisms such as cars need not the thirst for information

A Safety Car has no need for things such as ‘‘news’’.

Out of jokes, I hate them, and some news channel are terrible where I live. Since it’s a political matter I’d rather not get into it to not break the rules.

news HAHA I LAUGHED ROFL :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::rofl::laughing::laughing::laughing::rofl: