⚓ The Odyssey Feed ~ New Year, New Leaks!

The Dazerflame thing is fanmade

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May or may not be timeskips, but we will age by some years throughout the story


Okay thanks

It is very difficult to put it into a game like AO where you have multiplayer forced. Unless single player servers are planned, it’s not going to happen.

Genshin Impact’s system allows you to “skip” time, just set an exact time and skip. You don’t have to wait as much, which helps with story quests that involve waiting for next day, waiting until a certain hour, etc.

A system like that would be very difficult to implement into AO, and even if possible, i really doubt Vetex would consider it “necessary”, let alone consider adding it instead of just letting quests not involve with time.

One thing that I could see happening could be a story quest cooldown, wait 1 hour, 1 day, 20 minutes, or any period of time that would be convenient, to do the next story quest, do it, wait again, and so on.


  • You don’t get to speedrun the story quests, keeping you playing again and again for longer periods of time.

  • Players will be kept waiting, causing uncertainty for longer, not knowing what’s gonna happen, for me this builds up to the quest’s experience.

  • Assuming this was to happen, story quests would have pretty good rewards for completion.

  • May encourage exploration as a side activity once the quest is finished.

  • Cooldown presence could make the game feel more immersive, trust me, rushing to do one thing after other isn’t as realistic.


  • The presence of this cooldown would cause many players to go daily just to complete their story quest, then leave.

  • It makes the game needlessly long (I think this will be the main reason Vetex rejects this system), having to wait for something you could allow to be done right after.

  • Some players are impatient, they will feel annoyed and could quit the game, only because of it.

  • You essentially make your game impossible to speedrun. Trust me, there’s going to be THAT part of the community who would like to race through the story to see who clears it faster.

To all of the cons, I have to add an important point (according to my thoughts), and that would be:

Vetex would most likely not accept this.

As a level cap for the quests would be enough, and that can be removed by just playing, doing more activities, to get to the next story quest. Why make players wait more, without giving them the ability to skip it if they desire? And the players themselves could just take a break from the game if they really wanted to experience this system without being forced to wait (even if very unlikely).

Still, I would be interested in seeing how a game with this system would work.


Oh :skull:

Either i’m stupid or someone put that in reminders for AO


I’m not familiar with Genshin much, but I think you misunderstood by time skip; I don’t think he meant a system which allows you to ‘fast-forward’ in-game time or anything like that, he means a time skip in the sense of a certain amount of years passing within the game’s lore. For example, let’s say vetex has planned for a certain quest event to take place one in-game year into the storyline. There would be a timeskip in which ages your character up by one year to fit with the timeline. So basically by time skips he just means he hopes there will be instances where your character will be aged up by some years.

Like I said in my other response our characters will be aged up lore-wise in the story but we’re not entirely sure how yet


That is a possibility as well. If it is, sorry for completely missing the point.


Great work as always :+1:


Thanks :flushed::heart:


babe wake up new odyssey feed issue just dropped



I am going to riot


Glad to see the Odyssey Feed’s back! I’ve been very good at keeping up with the Trello, but there’s been so much interesting stuff added recently that I really needed something like this to refresh my memory. This anchor got a lot of laughs out of me, thank you very much for taking the time to write this!

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I’m almost at the limit as well. Too many likes. :pensive:

I still have no likes i’m going to clone myself and riot in 5 places at once :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:



The forum actually hates me I can’t like any of the posts here


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