⚓ The Odyssey Feed ~ The Talos Finale!

Just Shapes and Beats?

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I don’t know why, but the first thing I thought of was Umber Keep, which makes no sense, it was never even implemented! Maybe I’ll catch an anchor in time to get the riddle right someday.

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Reading the riddle more closely, perhaps golden strength refers to both the city’s might and the rich district, dull weakness refers to the old district, and duality refers to the new district, the merchant’s district, both, or possibly even the rivalry between the poor and the rich of Alalea?

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Yeah, that’s kinda what I was going for

Mhm, makes sense. I think I also figured out why I thought of Umber Keep first. I’m so high on arcane lore that my brain always jumps to the most obscure lore answer, in this case being an unimplemented non-canon Alalean city :frcryin:

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Oh, I remember. That was their main city (or at least one of them) in World of Magic, right?

it was the castilian capitol, alalea’s was just new alalea

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OH SHOOT, I messed up the very lore I claim to be high on. You’re right, it was a Castlian city and not an Alalean one. I did remember it’s the capital, though.

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On vetex Twitter I find this very cool and interesting


Can I give a suggestion for a riddle:
This boss is looked as fat and is presumed with the weakest thing

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so negative reps are refused service, thats interesting

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Not necessarily, but we don’t know for sure as no shops have been developed yet

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maybe positive reps can buy unique stuff from the navy and that’s the negative rep equal.

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vetex managed to reawaken my locked away memories of grammar studies with the word “conjunction”


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