The OLEG Investigation and Evidence Archive


Do you huys think he read this post and decided to use them on purpose? If this was on purpose and not a coincidence, the it means OLEG reads this topic :eyes:

Not on my topics again :sob:

It’s about the motion of the ocean, not the size of the wave

pfft, he’s already started invading my posts

New OLEG lore?!?!


where’s the nearest cliff?

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I need bleach and a hammer

bro :skull:

Ok you have to admit it’s nicely edited though

OLEG is a God

I want to rip my eyes out

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I don’t know if it’s because of all the new posts, but…

Has anyone noticed the ansence of OLEG ever since Arcane Odyssey released?

yeah i mwiss him :baby::baby::baby_bottle::face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears:

Grinding level 125 on all his files, don’t judge the man

He’s on the grind

OLEG has truly been contained at last :relieved:

B-but…who do we investigate now!

This guy (Joke)