The Origin of Your Username

that really is me

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finding forumer on another website moment

My og account got hacked (or I forgot the password) in 2019 or so, so I stopped playing roblox for 6 or so months, started playing on my brother’s account. Which was named boxguy9875, then 6 months LATER I made mrnormalbox.

I still visit that place sometimes, but most of the people I used to talk to there have moved on to bigger horizons. And now I have too ehe

nice :ok_hand:

well uh…
i was a fan of short username that started with an unusual letter and didnt mean anything
combined random syllables, koo is somewhat derived from coo the bird from kirby games (not that i really like him, its just that i remembered the name)

i first thought of that username for my first roblox alt, but that was kinda dumb since i had to use Wapink00 months later when i changed my main’s username

i believed i made it around january 2018

in the end, its not even short and ive removed the koo from roblox and discord. i might have abbreviated to wap if rap didnt ruin it

It’s just one of my file’s (Ace) last names and just put Lt because, ORIGINALITY!

I thought it meant lieutenant arbor, I thought one of your parents was a lieutenant lmfao.

Jarvist77832 → Jar/Jar8001

i made this username when i was like 7 or 8 when first getting gold on the 360 and ironman or ironman 2 or whatever came out during the time. liked the ai Jarvis and not stark himself (which i had to clear up a lot when i was younger iirc) and wanted to spice it up more, so i added a “t” at the end.

my dad’s username had 77 at the end so i added a rhyme with 832 at the end and bam u got “Jarvist77832” which my brother followed suit with the 77 but he did 97874 and different username behind it

Jar was a simplifcation and which many ppl called me (Jarv, Jarvist or whatever worked but it was mainly Jar or Jarv which would then go to plain Jar). and i now added the 8001 cause it’s my disc tag and wanted to spice my name up once more.

(i use Jar8001 for artworks of mine too)

yeah, I made it for a mmorpg character in swtor, I think this was BEFORE sans was a thing.

Originally it did mean Lieutenant but I decided to shorten it and just make it Lt so in my way of thinking it, Lt is just 2 letters now. (If this sounds jumbled I’m sorry I’m tired and I have now way of properly describing it)

Lt means Lieutenant, Lieutenant.

i was 8 and i came up with this and i’ve used it on pretty much everything since, too lazy to think of a better one

I was like 10 or 11 when I made this username and I was interested in Sonic stuff at the time, I liked Shadow so I just added Gaming (was taken) then added the start of my first name in the middle to make ShadowJGaming.

I like this way more than my past username of “promangamer101”, Idk what went through my 8 year old mind with that one.

shortened random xbox name (wait fuck i didnt mean to reply to you)

Bump because I never remembered to answer this.

So my first Roblox account I made in 2015 (wow that’s sad) was called Workablecbb. I changed it to NotCamreeyan a few years ago. Long story short it used to be my main, but I forgot about it, and now Camreeyan (3rd ever Roblox main) is my main-main. Now Workablecbb/NotCamreeyan is my alt. How did I get Workablecbb though? I just but my initials in as my username, but since it’s a 3 character username it was obviously taken. Roblox just “recommended” me a username which was exactly the same but it had workable in front because that wasn’t taken. So I went with it.

Then some day I got randomly logged out of that account and thought I was hacked or something. Turns out I wasn’t actually, I just got logged out automatically because I hadn’t opened the Roblox app on my Ipad in a while so it logged me out for what I assume to be security measures. But yeah I didn’t log back into that account for a few years. Then I made a new one called HalfDestroyer77. Once again Roblox recommended me the username since I put ‘Destroyer77’ and that was taken. So I mained that one for a while and then I ACTUALLY FORGOT THE PW to that account… Rip HalfDestroyer77

Then I made my new main Creeperboy56789… Yes cringe ik, my mom made the user. I’ve been using this account since like 2016-2017 but a while ago I changed the name to Camreeyan because it’s less cringe. Then I got my first account back because the password was EASY AF idk why I didn’t just try to log back in the first time I got logged out.

But, how I got my current username: One time an irl friend was just being stupid and he said my name (Cameron) wrong on purpose, and it sounded something like ‘Camreeyan.’ A month or two later, we had this random minecraft realm. We were up on a mountain and I was tired of creepers and stuff so I built a big wall around my base. I decided to name it fort Camreeyan. A while later I decided to go by Camreeyan because it’s way better of a name than Creeperboy56789.

Then I actually got some bobux so I could change my main account user to Camreeyan and my alt account user to NotCamreeyan.

When i was a kid i played alot of minecraft and really liked Endermans
So i took part of the name ¨End¨ and thought of another word like master and boom Endmaster thats me! :D.
And whenever i tried to name a account for something and the name was taken i would usually go with Enderpro a slight change.
I defiantly prefer the name Endmaster though and its stuck with me ever since.

And we dont talk about my old username…

Forum Username: I decided that my current Roblox avatar would be the one I would use for a long while, so I just decided this cause other usernames I could have chosen would make some misconceptions.

Roblox Username: Nothing else popped up in my mind, all the usernames I wanted were already taken and if I even wanted it, I would need to put “190283981273” at the back end, so “3726” was my last option (i wanna change my username now).

Roblox Display Name: just a joke display name, i would change it now but i got my creativity lobotomized without my permission.

Technically, I still write silly stories to share among my friends and I crated this One OC and I named him Xenier so I decided that it was an interesting name to use here

Hah, I don’t even know. It just sounded cool