The original name of the Arcane Universe

It was apparently called the Shallowsea Universe, atleast according to Trigno in this game:

wth i never noticed that when i played this

how did you find this?

i found a ton of vetexs old projects with an api tool

Used a website, not sure if I can link it, PM me if ya want it I guess :man_shrugging:

Shallowsea goes hard ngl


i think trigno was meant to fight you here but uhhh it IS just an experiment so it’s probably a cutscene ? idk my friend probably has the answer tho

Inb4 Vetex uses this name as an Easter Egg and becomes one of the names for the Sea Clusters

Though… chances might be low cause something tells me that Vetex doesnt even remember this

Shallowsea adventures :fire: :fire: :fire:
World of Shallowsea :fire: :fire: :fire:
Shallowsea oddysey :fire: :fire: :fire:



I mean, c’mon, dude even forgot his own lore (he couldnt remember if Durza was a magic user or not). I’ve got a feeling he doesnt remember things very well, which was why he had to make a whole trello for his progress and ideas in the first place :joy:

Also retconned the magic pollution to be the things killing sea curse users when in AA it claimed the sea rejected them (long before the sea was even polluted)

i did that first :sunglasses:

No, this is different. He legit forgot something in the lore doc, which is supposed to be up to date with the current lore btw. This isnt the same as a conscious retcon, he literally forgot something in the lore doc which he wrote himself :skull:

This is probs why he writes everything he does to remember them lmao (he even forgot what Spirit Weapons were, like bro…)

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“What do you mean I’m retconning how magic works? This is the first time I’ve written it down.”
[Vetex looks down at his notes]


Cant blame him for being forgetful though. He has a lot of ideas to keep track on and things to work on, I’d easily forget stuff a few years later if I was so busy working on them 24/7. (I completely forgot a theory I was adamant on abt 3 years ago which I completely forgot as well)

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bro has vegapunk imagination

It has to be difficult to keep the lore intact when you’re making such a big worldbuilding throughout 3-4 games, and they go through the span of what, 7 years or more?

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