The Pants of Everything

Wear this pink skirt, and you will gain every stat in the game, at the cost of only a little masculinity…

And now we know that when an item already has every stat on it, the Atlantean modifier defaults to Power. Pretty cool.

I should get an entire Theurgist set like this. It would take a while, though.


Thanks for posting this I was wondering what would happen if you went through the whole priority list.

Infinity Pants


It has so many stats that it hides some of them when you view the jewels :skull:

pretty sure its because the jewels already display those same exact stats.

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I think that’s a normal thing gem display does, I noticed it today

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Ohh, that makes sense.

ngl that’s pretty cool, I’ll gladly help with you getting the entire theurgist set

me in WoM spamming random enchants to be a “jack of all trades” (i got pwned by the power-defense builds)

A set like this would be pretty funny.

5 drawback

Drawback is a scam ngl

5 drawback? self harming is not that good!

THe point is that it’s the true “balanced stats build” in that it has everything

NEEEED the whole set! ALLLL in PINK!

THE GOD SET :exploding_head:

A bit more of a viable one when you don’t need intensity

(For some reason Alanteans things break when you use more than one)

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