The Prometheus's Acrimony

I am new to the game, and i want to know the trade value for this item

this thing is kind of useful in end game if you want to reset your stat build after resetting once for free. unless you find a really good offer don’t trade it

Activating nerd mode :nerd_face:

Erm, I believe this goes in Trading Discussion

At least 1/6 of a football field. My bad, this is for turf replacement, but still.

At the time of posting this message, its average worth is 50 to 60k galleons. If someone offers to trade for it ingame, decline, because they will almost certainly be scamming you. Save it for later, and use it in a trade for something that you want.

Its one of those items where you just put in a glass box and hammer on the side — with a sign saying “IN CASE I REGRET”

Anyways, welcome to the Forum

Welcome to the ao forums! (A specific person is gonna post a spongebob welcome to our club meme vid so loom out for that)

and there it is right on cue!

More like three and a half hours late

the times in which one should accept a random trade are for Halloween seasonals (ez money) or sunkens (if you want them)

Imo one sunken chest is worth an acrimony

Nah acrimony is worth more than sunken chest