The Regretful Assasin, Cherrie Thorne. Requested by Maple

Btw thanks to Tobi for magic circle :slight_smile:

“shes the kind of assassin that would talk you into being her friend then kill you and feel bad about it”
I think I’ll be able to complete these drawings weekly, maybe a little longer. Make sure you look out for me a week from now . . . What are you waiting for? Request!


more people coming up and posting new banger arts :pray:

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regretful assassin. but ya gotta get food on the table.

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yooo thats perfect tysm

No prob :slight_smile:

Oh shoot I just noticed I used the last persons name for person who requested it :rofl:


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Honestly looks sick.

This is part of why the art category is my favorite category on the forums.

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What magic and class she is?

And also, nice drawing BTW. I like your artstyle

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crystal mage

i killed defeated an acolyte once and he said he just needed the money and then he was going to quit this life for good

am i the baddie

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Screenshot 2023-03-23 221150

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Maddox would have just straight up fucking killed her (she copied his fashion sense with the gloves, absolutely unacceptable.)

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I’d like to request my plasma warlock, Jonah Ketch :frhigh:
love your art btw :heart:

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Alright, I’m surprised nobody requested before you

Lmao yea it’s been around 2 hours so I’m glad I got the chance :sob:

Nice art

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I’d like to request my Strength Savant, Jenni Gates, to be drawn.

im turning this into my wallpaper
it is now my goal to get all my files drawn so i can have all my desktops epic drawings

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Uh oh this guy is probably going to get loaded up with requests pretty quickly

I’m sorry coach

If you could draw Ivory Edwards (Thermo warlord) it’d make my day.