The Return of Vetex Vortex Vertex (you fools, bring EVERYONE! and it looks like your ace is nothing but a cat- VVV)

ok bob auburn is now training witht he monkey

the monkey gave him a scroll for elementals
all he needs is banana magic for the monke and he will show his true powers


Bob Auburn will be powerful now.

now bob auburn has embued a random ass metal thing with MONKEY
he can now stand a chance against VVV despite his lack of training

Bob Auburn, Drip Man, and Dancing Eggdog are all here. That should be enough to defeat VVV. But we don’t know how much stronger he’s gotten…

But what about WAX? I don’t know if he’ll be able to help us. And Vincent is nowhere to be found.

what is this even about?

Vetex Vortex Vertex. Me, Bomba, and Sansue successfully trapped him in a black hole a few months ago, and now he’s escaping. We’re trying to find the most powerful beings in order to stop him.

It’s basically an elaborate meme.



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Exactly, currently we’re training Bob Ross, trying to stop WAX from being a cat, and finding the legendary combination of Chuck Norris, Ultra-Instinct Shaggy, and Prometheus before April Fools before Vetex Vertex Vortex, a giant mathematical electrical godlike blackhole escapes from a black hole.

Ok my brain is melting at this point…

you trained bob auburn too much
hess too strong
you made him bob ross
the entire multiverse may collapse
we must team up with VVV to stop this

VVV is already going to fight him. Bob Ross can be be calmed down with reason, but VVV has no emotions.

Omelet du fromage

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when will this elaborate meme end


infinite meme?

Until we figure out how to contain VVV forever.

ok so this is a meme right?

memes are funny right??

if you remove the humor from the meme, VVV will no longer be a meme, and since it’s only a meme and nothing else, if it ceases to be a meme VVV will be contained forever

i know how to defeat the vetex vortex vertex

How so?

We’re supposed to find the other powerful memes and put them up against Vetex Vortex Vertex, so i’m hoping nothing interrupts that :eyes: