The roadmap

i didn’t say that, i said me liking it or not is. 10/10 means flawless yeah, but i didn’t say it was a 10/10

but yeah, i agree, it’s not relevent whatsoever, so maybeeee don’t further the argument by being all stingy towards me just cause i like it :sob:

you missed a few words

Indeed I have (and I must apologise for doing so), but if one does not wish to make a statement, why make it?

i mean, the entire statement seemed to be based on a misconception of some sort. felt as though i may as well point it out.

im telling vetex what u said about him :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::alien:

why do you insist on correcting tiny grammatical mistakes? are you 12? do you think it makes you look smart?

I hate to break it to you but it makes you look like an arse


when i said developer i meant the one coding the game, i guess i shouldve specified more lolz

unless there’s another dude or dudett coding the game with vetex

galaga codes now too

i have no idea who that is but cool


they worked on a lot of aspects last update. i think they worked on a few armors and weapon skills and stuff like that

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can they slide me a quick 20k i need a brig for my 4th file

for a game that’s both very enjoyable and free I can wait for a long time

I hate to break it to you as well, but the only way for people to stop making mistake is for them to be pointed out.

On that note, you should probably stop making assumptions about others, it makes you look like you have a superiority complex as it indicates a lack of self-doubt/absolute confidence in your potentially wrong judgement.

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If it was an assumption i would have said “you are 12”, not “are you 12?”

and dont you dare come at me and say I have a superiority complex, how incredibly ironic

derail! derail! derail!

my specialty, but i will point out when someone is being a cunt no matter the topic


just stick with a caravel man :sob: it’s got more turning too and unless if you’re grinding all them out you don’t have much reason (if you have an alt you can just use it to trade items across)


yeah, the only slightly p2w feature is like, the loadouts one, which i appreciate this game in that aspect a whole lot.

unfortunately i can’t use the solo dev excuse to excuse the development wait time butttttt i still understand why it takes so long (mostly cause it’s just such a big project with an ambitious future)

bro saying caravel is better than brig

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Rowboat > brig trust :nod: