The Seekers of Sight are the Order of Aesir? (Solving Makrinaos)

I mean, seeing as the visigoths exist irl, these ruins are easily older than The Shattering and possibly Pre-Durza and possibly built during the Golden Age of Magic. don’t think the banner is theirs and I don’t think a banner should’ve survived that long down there.

Well, I do doubt that they’re the ACTUAL Visigoths, maybe a surviving civilization that stemmed from them. They definitely formed their whole ordeal after the Durza-ing.

Possibly, but for all we know the above ground civilization got wiped and it’s possible some people survived in the place that’d become the pit of Charon. This ruins are pre-history in the War Seas eyes. Who knows what happened to them

Casual reminder that the Ravenna realm uses armour from the antiquity when plate armour is available.

could the veiling storms have been caused by chaos cause of these rituals?


That’s a good theory. Magic energy in the ocean is known to cause storms.

any reason to believe this doesn’t go directly into the underworld?

“Guys, how do we reach the underworld?”
“We dig a very very deep hole.”
What reason do they have to be tossing coffins into the underworld?

The Deltarune Dark Fountain hole.


Hades ordered grub hub for Cerberus

Honestly, we can only speculate.
There isn’t enough to go off of to make a clear theory, at best we could come up with a few hypotheses, but the somewhat conflicting information from the different ghosts makes the guessing of the narrative much more difficult.

In the meantime, here's a list of all important terms
  • Sight
    The source of the foreboding and terrifying energy contained within the abyss, it is the end-goal of a group.
  • Master
    The idol of the cultists, it is not to be confused with Sight.
  • King
    The individual found at the most dense concentration of Sight

Considering the two different banners (and terms), I fear that these ruins might have been used at two different times by two different groups (although it is unlikely considering how the abyss is accessed).

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We also have to consider if anyone has sensed the energy as well, individuals as strong as architects should definitely be able to, unless the stone bricks conceals it.

Technically, Chaos is the only real deity that it would make sense to worship. Created the universe and all. Creation would contend if it ever did anything.

Does he know

Sight likely refers to Chaos, I mean it’s pretty obvious. Teal, mysterious, its symbol is an eye, turns people into ghosts.

The master is harder to discern, though I am 99% sure it is Hades.
But, something is wrong.
Considering this was likely talking about THE HOLE, something doesn’t add up.
If it isn’t Hades or the underworld, then what is it? Can’t be Chaos, since these cultists seem to worship and know about chaos itself. They wouldn’t be confused if it was Chaos because they already seem to know what Chaos is like and desire to be embraced by it.

Well, there is also the possibility that the disciples of Hades and the Seekers of Sight are two different groups, considering their flags.

My theory is that the Hades flag is for the kingdom that lived on top of Makrinaos, who I’ve decided to call the Visigoths due to their armor name. The eye people lived below there, worshipping Chaos, using the catacombs as a front to bring all those souls into one place, and create an atmosphere that none of the Visigoths would want to enter.

Visigoths love death?!

this is all a red herring

there is no lore, nothing ever happens

Sorry if an answer for this has already been stated, but why would the order want to do this? Why would they try to screw over Calvus who is one of their own highlords?

This guy looks like Trigno.