heck yes! long paragraph, interesting storyline, and good reasonability
15/15, would recommend, the only thing i dont like is the 3 quest routes, if youve done one, can you redo the quest to get the others? it would contribute to the exploration AND introduce a redoing quest mechanic
Thank you guys for sharpening my suggestion. Sharpsight, the suggestion sharpener XD
I don’t think it really fits for the quest to be multiple choice, instead I gave the player a chance to choose between the paths. Either way, they’ll still in the end get the same amount of EXP(unless they do Legend route), and they’ll still get access to the sharkara(with only some NPCs disliking the player or not being around anymore if they went warmonger)
Also, as long as you TRIED to save some of the NPCs, you can still get savior, so it’s not so hard on you. Just make sure at least 3 of the NPCs on your ship survive.
…wrong reply
Im suprised that people really create so long and good sugestions
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