The Shining King vs Commodore Spade!



[ Averill vs Spade collab made by me and BNT! ]


hell yea baby

i like this whoa

Grate Art

Spade: oh? you’re approaching me?

ight but this is some nice art :ok_hand:

Da goat

Mom said its my turn on the Light Curse



Averill: I can’t beat the shit out of you without getting closer.

fuck yea

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Dam out of likes again. >:(

Give me unlimited like so I can spread the love!

VERY SEXY art. Tobi_flush

use the spade

and dig some of deez nuts up

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Yo is this, art improvement I’m seeing?? Looking good jtn, my only thing to say is that the dude standing looks like he has really short legs lol

Drawing Spade was a bit limited due to the canvas size

yo this is fire

nice job to you both


oh rip