THE SIMP - A Documentary

(Disclaimer: If you think this is 100% serious, you are a literal cretin)

This story starts in July 20, the day after the fishing update.
I had just gotten trust level 2 and wanted to actually search the forums instead of looking at it for two minutes and calling it a day. I didn’t have much fun until this post right here []
i had a pretty good time learning about this “jumbo” character as he seemed to be a fairly fun guy, learning about how he managed to “infiltrate” some guilds just tickled my funny bone. I wanted to learn more about guilds as the only one i have been apart of was so small you really couldn’t call it a real guild. One of the ones that i found had sparked my interest “Scholars of Magius” they had learned the ancient language that is found on statues across the map, i originally joined for the language and thats it, but something else struck me as i finished the test to verify…
The community was very odd, by there was 102 members, but only 3 were on at a time. I makes sense i suppose, many people did what i originally wanted to do, get the language and leave, but that wasn’t what i did, i talked my ass off about how the fishing economy is broke and it wasn’t worth your time (this was before rare fishes price were doubled). Anyway, the people on at the time were mega chill and i talked with them until past midnight when my brain cell realized “brain tired, go commit sleep”…

I woke up the next day to see a person who i was talking to yesterday, Tellurian13, talking about the post i read earlier about jumbo’s “infiltration” and making the same joke someone had already put there

after that he brought up a theory how it was likely that the Ashen Volcano wasn’t natural and most likely made by a magma user, i put my input as it also makes the most sense geologically speaking, after that i spoke with them until Tellurian started freaking out about how “JUMBO IS IN THIS GUILD” and sure enough he made a theory about how the volcano is most likely made because of a wizard you can find it here, He even credited me and Tellurian…

I have no idea if this counts as a spoiler so click at your own risk

also credit to LittleShrekSheep for this very cool and good transition

I get introduced to the Arcane Adventures Webcomic by Tellurian, the first chapters were interesting and i would usually read them while i have a fishing [REDACTED] on.

i keep up this habit of reading for an hour or two per day until i finish the comic. (Great comic btw 8.5/10, i would definitely recommend if you got some time to spare, read it here if you want to) This happened yesterday, and was the very same day i had opened up and found the truth, that Tellurian13 is the MEGA SIMP.
It started at 3 P.M. an hour or so after i finish the webcomic, and I want to find out who made it. My first instinct was to go the forums, and of course, this forum holds all the answers. I found this.
It was made by LittleShrekSheep, and the name is familiar, I know her from the Full Nimble animation, very cool btw. I look in the comments and i find this

the name of the person who sent the global message was familiar, Takashi Drake, so was the username, Robrox4, i was a little weirded out about how familiar these names where, i just couldn’t put my finger on it. I eventually gave up and started talking to people on the Scholars discord again, then this happened…
He was… the top of… LittleShrekSheeps most liked by? Weird, but Tellurian really liked the comic so i wasn’t all too weirded out by it. Anyways, the three people who where on at the time, me, Tellurian, and another person, Elicusneh, decided to burn down Summer Hold together (not the alchemist or the metalworker cause that belongs to the lowest of the low), so he gave me his account so i could friend him and-

That’s when it hit me, his username, his WoM name…
He had been showing us screen shots of how many fish he has fished and in all of them he kept his name on, thats why Takashi Drake and Robrox4 was so familiar, those where his names.
My closest WoM friend had Simped all the time, and i had never caught on…

I then proceeded to confront him, he put arguably the best response i have ever heard, ill let you read it for yourselves…

I give to you the only solution to this dilemma, and that is TO SIMP WITH HIM
Because LittleShrekSheep has made something so great, THAT WE DONT HAVE TO PAY FOR, just for this <1k person group to enjoy, and is arguably one of the best looking and lengthy projects i have seen in sometime…

(@LittleShrekSheep, Sorry for the ping, but, what was in those hashtags?)


cant be the word “dumbass” because theres 9 hashtags

oh no oh jesus

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what the fuck. i know it’s not serious but like lmao

I always knew the moment i saw him

i’m just, wow. i don’t know, i’m baffled. i need a drink brb

oh cool i’m in this post :poggers2:

fucks sake skittles this is why you are going to the brazil encampments
stop spoiling secrets about the scholars of magus members

I didn’t know Obama was in Wom that’s pretty cool, tell me the Coke recipe I know you store it in the White house SHOW IT YOU COWARDS.

Bro he ain’t Obama the 44th president of America, did you even read his name?

sour spilling the real tea

Edit: woops, my bad
sorry for the necrobump

An artist Necrobumping? Now that’s new.

I can’t believe someone trusted such as an artist would necrobump.
