The Skyforge Tower - Roblox Game

Current Game Trajectory:

Finishing up Section 2 (Only stages) Planning to open Testing to friends so any bugs or glitches can be found. Also considering reducing particles, a good number of generators exist in section 2, my device hasn’t seen issues but others might.

Game inspiration: Art Style inspired by Voxel Blade


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good stuff

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The game take’s place in the sky, ignoring the main land you would spot a lot of smaller islands far away, few would be important while a lot more serve purely for decoration

holy shit minecraft skyblock

during your journey, sometimes tricks are played on you

so watch your step


dropped yer dagger?


you’ve played these? when!?

do we get to explore them

most smaller ones aren’t explorable normally (you could reach it in wierd ways)

I will however create few sub islands intended to be reached so the player can discover some sort of lore

A fall many regret

Void Crystals often cause damage and disfiguration off nearby objects and individuals, it’s highly advised to avoid long term contact with them or individuals affected by them

Man hours to make a death effect, shit aint even work bro im going back to building shii :sob:

I DID IT, Revival VFX and Death VFX are completed (sound later)

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Death VFX:
I must go, my people need me

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Completed the CloudBooster, which will be one of the modes of transport to reach higher areas

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Random image cuz why not


brain hurty


Aren’t Clouds XD