THE SOLUTION TO BLOCKING (without vetex changing anything)

I have found out the best way to block if you do not want to press g for blocking:

First, download and install AutoHotkey. Then, create a script with the following code:
RButton::Send, g

This script assigns the action of pressing the ‘g’ key to your right mouse button. Save this script with a .ahk extension (e.g., rightclick_to_g.ahk) and run it by double-clicking the file.

Also, altering the default behavior of your mouse buttons may affect other functionalities. If you want to revert this change, you can exit or right-click on the AutoHotkey icon in your system tray and select ‘Exit’ to stop the script.

I mean you could prob also change it to F as well so its perfect


I’d rather him change the block key than me having to download a script

He said that he “might do that after the game is finished”

if you wanna wait a few years you can

Grow longer fingers

just play with your hand closer to g instead of shift

Me, who is 1% of the playerbase that knows how to parry, block, dodge effectively…i don’t know what you are talking about.

people who block be like:

for yall who want f to be g, you can simply do


that’s it simple as that

ye but then me personally it’ll mess up my typing

but then the reason right clicking isn’t block is bec it’s what you use to pan ur cursor so that might be an issue with my original statement

bro i would be typing an essay like this
Arcane Odyssey is a very food and well desifned fame. I say this because the developer, Vetex, works very hard on this fame and theregore it’s food. Additionally, it’s a passion project, meaning he only works on it gor gun. All this contributes to the gact that the fame is well desifned and containing many immersion geatures.

Gor gun

this switches the roles of the keys


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