I have found out the best way to block if you do not want to press g for blocking:
First, download and install AutoHotkey. Then, create a script with the following code:
RButton::Send, g
This script assigns the action of pressing the ‘g’ key to your right mouse button. Save this script with a .ahk extension (e.g., rightclick_to_g.ahk) and run it by double-clicking the file.
Also, altering the default behavior of your mouse buttons may affect other functionalities. If you want to revert this change, you can exit or right-click on the AutoHotkey icon in your system tray and select ‘Exit’ to stop the script.
I mean you could prob also change it to F as well so its perfect
bro i would be typing an essay like this
Arcane Odyssey is a very food and well desifned fame. I say this because the developer, Vetex, works very hard on this fame and theregore it’s food. Additionally, it’s a passion project, meaning he only works on it gor gun. All this contributes to the gact that the fame is well desifned and containing many immersion geatures.