The statues in this game

Do you think the statues are for the 3 main creators? I think they are. Let me know im really curious.

3 main creators? be more specific with that pls

nah man, just Easter egg

What do you mean? If you mean the statue at mount seawatch, that’s the minotaur. I remember seeing one with a sword, that COULD be king david or the exiled. No idea.

No it’s not, they are just Easter eggs. King David did not exist back in the war age.

sorry for being gone for a bit, when i mean 3 creators i mean vetex, techlevel80, and *TheHeadIessHorseman

oooooooooooooh ok, so they’re just king silver, and the minotaur. thank you guys i was curious because i think one had no head or somethin

not this either, they were not alive back when the statues were created, and it’s very likely that many more statues are to come

bruh the only main creator is vetex, the rest are just helpers and such. however one of the statue is axuris im pretty sure, who’s like an old friend of vetex or something so its probably just random statues dedicated to friends

One of the statues are theos i think.

i was hoping the statues were arthur, theos, and the peacekeeper (wait what does arthur even look like lmao

also if anyone got vetex to say the writing on the statues please let me know idk what they say and idk if anyone does )

They could possibly be the peacekeeper or some other really important person from the lore

Maybe you should investigate on the language on the statue (the ancient language) and then you will figure out who it is :3

They most likely have a meaning of some sort.

they should add arsen and rooks, since there is going to be dreadknights it will be better to make the characters in the game before hand (and arsen just because, well , hes arsen.)

the one on seawatch was for axuris
he pretty much disappeared without a trace on all social media and accounts and nobody knows what happened to him, it’s been years now

vetex decided to make a statue to remember him wherever he is now

yea… the last time i’ve seen axuris was like 2 - 4 years ago when he was online as a “tester” in the discord server, but now he’s gone off to somewhere

where did he go?

well the text after being translated does not mention any of them