The Summoning of Troll Primordial meme magic

Looks like a forum entitled kid is yet again angry because nobody cares or gives a shit about him enough to make cool art like this for them, yeah bro jealously ain’t good.

good looking art either way

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yeah good art
also way to gaslight lmao

this is absolute cap, where the fuck is asses of valcrest meme

oh my god are you fr getting mad at someones hard work because they didnt make you
And are you seriously saying its gaslighting


stay mad :sunglasses:






Art good, yes

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These look like admin only magics from AA

Ah man, we’re so sorry we forgot about you. The world really doesn’t works without your presence…
Tell us, UnnamedBoi. How do you want your magic circle done? Served on a golden plate?


are people getting angry at Unnamed because of a singular joke he made, again?

God i’ve lost all hope in WoM players in the WoM fucking forum

as i’ve told Sr, say it all together now,

Dont forget to put disclaimers!


He’s talking to The (not you), a person who was infamous for also gaslighting Double and driving him off the forums just because he worked with a slightly racist writer, otherwise known as guilt by association, which is not a healthy habit either.

Oh and best of all, hes not getting angry at the artist for his work, in fact Unnamed himself said that he liked the art like three fucking times. I know this might be hard to get, but hes getting angry at you for shit like this:

He’s not jealous its a joke, its literally the word lame crossed out that’s making you believe he’s jealous i cant fucking take this shit.

this is the most passive aggressive thing i have ever written

oh and before i forget, great art MT, those gradients make me wanna N U T, sorry for the dumpsterfire that is this and the reply above.

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i was not that surprised that they acted like that.
most of the people from the vetex dis are stinky poo poo brain unlike us forumers

If you think this then you’re out of your mind, lol

I didn’t think they were THIS bad. I’ve heard all the negativity, but I’m not that active on Vetex’s Discord anymore

Like, wtf is this?

Can’t take a joke smh



Go back to the Discord

@SomewhatUnnamed I’d just ignore them, they don’t know what they’re talking about

Remind me to support a campaign to torch the earth when I get older, Cosmos. This shit is dumb.

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get me on the bandwagon too

jokes are supposed to be funny.