The time has come

add 5 second cooldown (preferably 10) and then watch as all the people that are still active in pvp will cry their asses off

the amount of frustration, unfun and saltiness i got by watching my well thought attack miss and even get punish bc someone press one button and fucked me over bc i did the mistake to try to use 1 braincell happened way too much to keep count

literally the worse feature ive ever seen in any game and a legit thing i put on a “do not fucking do, this is terrible game design” for my future GD LvL and games i might help

we all know that once npcs will start using that feature that a bunch more people will cry bc they will go from a predictable parry skill check to take a guess where this npc will go

and to the people that still pvp in this trash pvp, cry me a river bc reflexes wont save you from my musket nor will they save u from doing dumbshit


simply reduce dodge reflex to 1 only while in combat and it will not affect the good playerbase



who uses more than 1 dodge reflex outside of combat

me ‎

Attack size:

that part of the change

k but dont u think that forcing people to run one specific stat to make a feature less frustrating, a bad thing? im happy with the reflex nerf, but if npcs can make it annoying, then imagine what players can do

Oh it’s very annoying, I’ve just learned to accept that you need to run certain stats for certain encounters

honestly i just fucking quit pvping, in one hand i become more rusty, but on the other hand, i learn to spam the mindless reflex and/or spam the mindless atks, so no good options

Man i dont want the pre dodge reflex combat system again :sob:

hey dont worry, u can always learn how to parry

but trust me, even when fights were mostly blocks, it was a clear difference

Hmmm… Fighting styles might get better since people aren’t actually blurry after images teleporting at mach 9

Bro, who do you think are the blurry after images?

light step with 400 agility

who hurt you??

Me who plays a lightning conjurer:

(Attack size does literally almost nothing for me)

anyway, I don’t think this will change too much. Dodge reflexes will still be used for what they were originally used for, atleast unless they make dodge reflex have a real cooldown. As long as dodge reflexes are completely regenerated as long as you touch the ground, it’ll still be pretty much the same.

as a lightning conjuror you should focus on attack speed and agility imo

attack size works better on magics with a high size multiplier

I have put points into ATK SPD and AGI, but you gotta understand: lightning with only 150 points in magic is tiny. Like, the explosion size of blast when I have it set to 70% is like 3 studs to either side of the impact area. That’s absolutely miniscule.

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