[The Transmigrator] Prologue: The End of a World of Magic

[The Transmigrator]

Prologue: The End of a World of Magic

The scent of death filled the air. A woman could be heard screaming and running before succumbing to violent coughing. She tried to cover her mouth to avoid the fumes but to no avail, as there was no escape from the polluted air. The burning sensation within her lungs started to course throughout her body, breaking down every fiber and muscle of her body.


Eventually, her lifeless body fell to the ground, dissolving into white magicules.

More terrified shrieks could be heard before complete silence surrounded the town. Even the soldiers of the Magic Council within the city could not escape in time. Plumes of deadly gas spread throughout the castle city. The once great and vibrant town of Summer Hold had now become a quiet, lifeless red cloud.


However, one person was standing amidst the clouds. The leader of Summer Hold, King David Silver had survived. In a rare display of grief and hopelessness, he uttered quietly.

“Is anybody there…?”

“Is everyone… dead?”

90 degrees, 180 degrees, 270 degrees, 360 degrees.

No matter where he looked, there was only deathly silence, crimson gas, and bodies.

Upon closer inspection, they were the corpses of the Magic Council, with dark red veins all over their skin. Unlike the magicless citizens, the Magic Council’s bodies would not dissolve immediately due to the magicules remaining in their bodies. The king looked away in sadness.

The king knew fully well who the perpetrator of this attack was. In fact, this was not the first time the city of Summer Hold was brought to its knees by the “demon”. However, their first attack wasn’t nearly as deadly, and the Magic Council was able to capture and imprison them.

The Magic Council should have executed them when they had the chance.

The king brushed past that thought quickly and gathered his bearings. He shook off the dread and sorrow he felt, replacing it with fiery anger and rage.

“The last time I was in a fight, it was with a weak criminal causing trouble in the main street. I was able to knock them out in one shot, and the Magic Council arrived shortly after to arrest them…”

He focused all the magic power he had to his one good eye. His vision improved tenfold, with his sight now piercing through the thick red clouds and even through the castle walls. The king began scouring for any sign of the demon.

“It sounds wrong, but I wish a strong criminal would challenge me instead of these weaklings. The thrill of an even battle is unlike anything else."

Finally, he spotted the shape of the demon, or rather, a very human-looking figure up on a far cliff, and started to focus magical power into his right arm. Silver glared at the figure and delivered a resentful roar.

“But this? This is no battle! The suffering, the loss, the amount of death you have caused?!”

With a loud WOOSH, Silver unleashed his ultimate move, Fire Bolt, toward them. His right arm flew forward, spewing out a concentrated beam of fire. The beam successfully hit the demon, driving them back from amplifying the poison cloud any further.

Unfortunately, that beam only served the people of Summer Hold a fate worse than being suffocated by poison. The lethal miasma that filled the city burst into flames, incinerating the air.

Any survivors that were somehow alive, now had their flesh incinerated, with their lungs suffocating from the lack of oxygen and their screams of agony penetrating through the ears of the king.

The quiet cloud of death had now become the embodiment of the netherworld.

Although the king was quite resistant to heat, even he could not survive without oxygen. He ran out to the castle entrance, escaping the burning hell that was Summer Hold. Gasping for air, he noticed the demon walking out to the clearing.

“Wow, I can’t believe you actually did that… Eh, never mind, I’m not.”

The demon spoke, her words laced with venom…and excitement. Although half of her body was charred from the king’s attack, her eyes still emitted a wicked light.

“You just turned your city into something even hotter than summer! Isn’t that great?”

The king’s ears began to ache. He started to channel magical energy around his body, with his arms sprouting hot orange flames and thick smoke.

Ignoring the increase in magical pressure, the demon shrugged.

“I suppose it should be called Hell’s Hold now or something right? It fits your style, considering your last home, Charon, is burnt rubble and ash too.”


And with that, their final exchange of magic had started.


A terrifying blast resounded from poison and fire smashing into each other. Sparks began to fly into the air. The two opposing energies, fire and poison, clashed with each other, letting out tremendous explosions.

Both of their faces were locked onto each other. One filled with burning rage, one filled with terrifying glee. With each attack and move, they strayed further from the castle and towards the beach.

Although the king was strong, with each exchange of blows, he could not block every attack launched toward him. In contrast, the demon was agile enough to dodge, block, or clash nearly every attack of his.

It did not help that the amount of time the king had spent inside the poison cloud at the castle city had taken a severe toll on him. He could feel the insides of his body’s functions shutting down from the damage, with his movements becoming more sluggish with every second.

Even his one eye struggled to maintain focus and vision.

Yet through all of this, the king had one last ace up his sleeve. He felt the strain on his right arm leave.

A sign that his strongest attack was once again ready.

With every bit of his strength left, he gathered enough power into his right hand for one final hit and yelled what might be his last words.



The great king was facedown on the sand, defeated.

The corners of the demon’s mouth curled up in a grin.

“Whew, that was close. Guess the ‘toxicity’ really got into your head, huh.”

The demon kicked over the king’s now red-veined body, leaving his face staring into the sky. With extreme difficulty, he was barely able to utter words out of his mouth.

“… I didn’t notice we had strayed that far.”

“Hmm? Oh yeah, that was intentional. After all, your attacks are useless in water.”

“You fight with no honor, demon.”

“Oh please, I honestly don’t think I could beat you fairly. What matters in the end is surviving at any cost.”

The demon began to charge a small poison ball in her hand. Just as she was about to end the king, both of them noticed something terribly wrong.

The sun and the sky… were disappearing. The light that had covered the world was now replaced with an evergrowing shadow.

Dark purple clouds swirled in the sky and red static electricity crackled in every direction, gathering into a single point at a rate that made it impossible to believe it was a simple storm or even a hurricane.

At the very center of the chaos, a dark singularity formed, pulsating with energy. As the singularity continued to grow, an abyssal darkness began to swallow the entirety of Magius.

Yet despite the circumstances, the demon seemed to be fixated on something else in front of them.

Silver tried to move his head toward the direction she was looking at, but all he could see was the coming void. Just before the darkness overwhelmed the two, the demon murmured these simple words.

“…What is this bullshit…”

[Would you like to transfer your data to the next world?]


Prologue was inspired by my old WoM shenanigans I posted years ago, and most if not some of Silver’s dialogue came directly from WoM. Also sorta surprised no one has written a WoM to AO isekai of their character considering how many people probably kept their OG WoM character to transfer over, unless if I just missed it completely despite searching for one. I might continue this but honestly not too sure.

First time poisoning Summerhold

Second time

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