The Truth behind Void Woken hitting 3rd place in under a day

I wasn’t talking to you .-.

I would always dislike suncry and there’s nothing you can do >:c (just wanted to say)
Never said I was going to cry about @Apothecary and I won’t i’d just hate it

go ahead cry about it, gonna take you very far



Here’s my proof that suncry isn’t alt farming, I am the person with the 2nd or 1st most infamy in the entire guild*, dont believe me? I have over 600 infamy and the number just keeps growing, this is an old screenshot from the first couple of days after the guild update which also includes unpiaying, the person who also has the 2nd or 1st most infamy in the entire guild* : image
I am the person who gained the 2nd most infamy per week on the first week of the guild update, and also the person who gained the most infamy per week on the 2nd week of the guild update.
I, If anybody (including unpiaying), should know that suncry is not alt farming because I (and unpiaying) is the person with the most infamy in the entire guild.

Another small thing that could point to the fact that suncry isn’t alt farming is the fact that their infamy gain has slowed down to a halt ever since the new halloween update, they are barely churning out 20-50 infamy every day while before the halloween update they could get 600-1000 infamy per day.

*It is difficult to know who actually is #1 because of bugs forcing our infamy count in-game to reset

dude are you like actually below 13? it seriously seems like you are

So are you just going to ignore what I said and have a breakdown or will you actually post a response/rebuttal? we could talk in DMs since that’d be a lot easier without this 15 min cooldown

how would someone saying you seem like you’re below 13 show they have a small brain capacity
i can feel the lack of maturity radiating from every single post you make


How is this pip guy so stupid. Suncry has never alt farmed, it should be pretty easy to tell from the amount of hate we get from killing everyone.

i thought someone in suncry was banned early on in guild update for alt farming. not accusing them of alt farming rn. can confirm that they are hustlin (source: killed by them 10 times)

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yeah this is why you’re never getting regular back… btw this really confirms you’re under 13, nobody is this sensitive about their age except people trying to hide it. a simple no wouldve been enough

@Spider_Language yea i just wanted to point it out but he just had to respond like that

I dont know whether that actually happened or not but if it did then Jason(GM) probably took the necessary steps to fix this, like the time Jason found out that somebody was hacking in Suncry for infamy, Jason immediately banned this person and asked a mod to remove the infamy that the hacker had gotten.

@Rayman_Axel I know Zog is annoying and all but leave him alone, would you? You’re kind of harrasing him at this point and you’re not bringing anything to the discussion except useless and unnecessary insults

Don’t even make that much post, plus your act like your below 13.

heard people complain about yall alt farming, but Ok yall don’t alt farm, I still hate the guild for the toxicity.

Don’t want it back, I like being a member.

What i said didn’t prove anything .-.

you* you’re*

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i ask a question about one of your posts and you say i act like im below 13 with no reasoning
you’re just doing damage control at this point instead of providing your opinion

sorry one of our members killed you. i know you’re upset about it still but we had to do what we did because we strive to keep our goat status in wom before ao.

also since ur whining about it why dont you send us proof that we alt farmed? and dont worry, im a patient man

You’re members can’t kill him, he’s banned from the game idiot smh.

Are you guys… actually still going with this? wtf

This turned quickly…

Wait…FALHOSA? It’s me, Cosmos! Leader of the guild, COSMOS! My Roblox username is NoBloxx01! Long time no speak dude

@liu can you close this topic?

theres no reason to close this topic though since theres a 15 minute reply cooldown unless it gets way too serious