Y’know mods if getting pinged was so annoying you could’ve just removed your @moderators group from the message, instead of being trigger happy and just deleting everything without warning or reason.
(Same goes for all the other groups as well.)
Spoke about the group chat outside the group chat, traitor.
What’s this? Discussing mod action outside of dms? BANNED FOR LIFE! GLORY TO THE FORUM MODERATION PARTY!
so peak i didn’t even get to finish my FUCKING hangman dude
Noooo it got deleted
(I completely forgot about it)
That was amazing (not) while it last
I’m sort of happy to see someone with Es pfp even though you’re basically Rb1
I cannot 100% confirm this person is Rb1, but you could say the behavior resembles Rb1 a lot
We just discovered that @protogen was a rb1 alt how do we already have another rb1 alt that has been on the site for quite some time
rb1 is everywhere, he could be anyone, he could even be me.
Deron wave arrived
Oh no
If Deron reacts to me one more time I’m going to find a topic with over 1000 posts and react to them all.
Do it.
(for legal reasons this is a joke trust)
Do it.
It has to be Deron