So, I see there’s no real proper value list, so I’d like something like that to basically be assembled in this topic. I’d like us to reach a common consensus (or close enough to one) about the approximate value of various items. I get that the more valuable items wouldn’t be sold for galleons, but then it’d still be useful to assign them a galleon value to calculate how much of other items you’d need to buy it.
With that said, I’d like there to be discussion about the value of various sought after items here, and if a consensus is reached, I’ll update these items with the galleon value that’s been decided on. I’ll be going in an order on which I think it’d be easier to reach a consensus on.
One more thing. I’d like you to prioritize prizes that are common, average. Not what you think the price is or should be, but what the items are usually being sold as, or will be on average sold as. Also please try listing prices outside of fresh-update inflation, aka what they would be after a few weeks.
Power Scroll - 3000?
Hard Scroll - 3000?
Other Scrolls -
Power Gems -
Defense Gems -
Other Gems - 500?
Perfect Energy Power Jewel -
Perfect Energy Defense Jewel-
Other Perfect Jewels -
Coppershroom - 100~
Auric Seaweed - 50?
Jellyfish Skin -
Whale Blubber -
Golden Pearls -
Prometheus’ Acrimony -
Various other reagents -
Various Potions -
Arcsphere -
Fair Power/Defense Amulets -
Other Fair Amulets -
Various Boss Items -
Various Boss Item Weapons (scimitars, lion halberd, etc.) -
Calvus Items -
Kai’s Saber/Merlot’s Weapons -
Sunken Helmet -
Sunken Legs -
Sunken Helmet -
Sunken Sword -
Axe Slash/Pulsar/Vindicator -
Misc. Halloween Seasonals -
American Seasonals -
Halloweds -
Headless -
Any other item whose value you wish to know (put in comments)
I’d like us to atleast assign some galleon values to the less valuable items, and then scale off from those, I suppose. Now, I’m not really too much of a trader, but I’ll try and jumpstart this by proposing some values. I just hope there’s enough people commenting here and putting their 2 cents in, otherwise it’s worthless. Other gems - 500 per? Power/Defense gems - 750 per?
Hard/Strong Scrolls - 3k per? Coppershroom - 100 per? Auric Seaweed - 50 per?