The volcano

I could post this in art, but I only took 2 hours on it and I posted there yesterday

How do yall spend a week drawing something everything I make takes max 6 hours :sob:


bro you spent 2 hours on a drawing and just put it here?

Indeed I did.


Because I didn’t feel like it.


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you drew it bec you didn’t feel like it?

Because I did not feel like putting it in art


this looks ass

make one that’s better

well, could you draw trigno better? :smirk:



bro you’re not funny

I’m pretty sure we said “can you draw a picture of trigno that looks better than this” and not “pull up a stock image of an AI generated white person with 2 torches in her hands”

I know this is a day later but weren’t you complaining that I put 2 hours into this and put it here instead of Art?

optical is just like that.

yeahhhh, so?

thats literally my 2nd slot fire conjurer that i drew