The volcano

yall are haters stop hating on me

Show the layers

You a goober, you stole it from REDBUBBLE!!!

You is a big bad bitch for doing that, yā€™know? Your mother would be ashamed! Yā€™know?

the volcano

:drooling_face: Yes Trigno Daddy, feed me, delicious magma diarrhea, Iā€™ll happy eat upā€¦ā€¦

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bro couldnā€™t spend $1.47 on a stock photo to pretend he could draw :sob::sob::sob:

I want to bleach brain after reading this.

bro couldnā€™t have done a better attempt at pretending to draw

Hey man, we wonā€™t jump you
come outside.

ngl i thought it was obvious the guy with the stock drawing was being satire

Well it ainā€™t funny, needa to add some humor.


come outside bro

Omg itā€™s JuJu, TsuKai and Sen!!!

this was way funnier than anime memes

midyan chill man this is forums they will smite you my brother

Being banned from forums would be a blessing in disguise, Iā€™m literally just goofing around here!!! :sob:

forums will ban this man for speaking the only language that unifies us all. facts :pensive:

If anime memes make anyone laugh, Iā€™m actually suprised. How is an out-of-context phrase with an anime character picture supposed to be funny?