the boys are now here after days of working on all of them, and now I shall rest cutely,
this is pretty much “NPC bounty posters” but they’re now dyed in my style
(alternative wording: I remade the original posters lol)
Separate Posters
Separate Images for each character
edit: wait I might as well add an obligatory poll here
yo which piece do yall like the most
- Rupin
- Trigno
- Romulus
- Cortes
- Holden
- Ahab
- Averill
(I’m out of likes :despair:)
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lupin got shit tong of boujfntty ons his ass!!;
waitt why is thw hottest got thw lowest boiunty
I thought you were saying rupin is beautiful
(I’m having a stroke after finishing this damn thing)
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are you white eyes :hmmm:
I just like how trigno and romulus are posing
and cortez is about to break the cam
and ahab is having an end of life mid life crisis
and averill is trying to stop the cam from filming him
and rupin is like “nah mf ima break the cam”
rip holden
actually it looks more like cortez if offering the camera man a drink lmao
why does rupin look like he hasn’t seen the sun in 50 years
he burns brighter than the sun
theos is cringe return to coconut