The weekly riddles(only on wednesdays!)

I’m tasty on the inside, I’m curvy not wide. If you step on my hide, you’ll go for a ride. What am I?

I have 88 keys, yet I cannot open a door. What am I?

I’m at the beginning of time and part of past, present and future. I’m part of history, but not of here and now. In a moment you’ll find me, if you know what I am. What am I?

@DubiousLittleTyp0 wins since they got all of them right first
@optie in second for getting them right all in one reply

A cow

A piano

cow is wrong

oh wait

“go for a ride” can also mean like, moving in general

a banana?


The letter T

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a piano
or the dev that’s stuck in someone’s basement and is being forced to make a game and is sending out early access keys so testers can test the game

or any timepiece in general



the letter T (kinda like the one from last week)


so did I get them all right


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