That isn’t our wiki

That’s an old defunct one

Can’t find the link for the new one

We are making a trello to organize are plans to make a new wiki on miraheze

Doesn’t exist yet lmao

We are working on it in our Discord server

Link of the discord?

the link is in their

i tried to add to the wiki but all i made was a lacklustre magic page :sob:

I have never seen this happen before ngl

Vetex said it would happen but he just didnt implement it I guess?

It happens a decent amount of times for me, you hear a soft echoing sound and light up yellow a bit.

Though it occurs despite me not having Divine Warding, and seems to be when it’s trying it’s darnest to prevent or keep up with insanity.

i think this is super unnecessary tbh like do new players even bother with stuff like lost magics

that message is so old, even i think thats the case now

I’m pretty sure if you saw that as a joke then you’re no better than the people I have to deal with at school. Literal idiots who couldn’t tell one end of a broom from another.

ok but dawg that wasnt even creative
“hang them” isnt as funny as “poison their chocolate milk with nitroglycerin”

alright i get it, it was a poor message but please leave me alone now

remember to contribute!

You fool, that’s heart medication, your making them healthier!

fine, put plastic explosive instead of yeast in their bread

why is this discussion happening in a thread about the wiki?

Well we need to poison the trolls somehow