The worst Arcane Reborn Wiki user ever

This child is the most cringy, annoying, and worst arcane reborn wiki user ever, this man stans theos like a kpop fan, he constantly says that fire is the best magic, theos is the best fire user ever, here’s some other stupid shit he has said

Everytime I see his comments, every cell in my body wants to die

everytime I see you I wanna build a bridge into the stratosphere, grab you by the throat and choke slam you at terminal velocity

i dont understand idk what ar is about my brain is bad

ar (arcane reborn) is a glitchy arcane adventures remake that people still play for some reason

i know WHAT ar is but i dont know the fine details that led up to this post

i know that that kid (projectpokenut77) is a diehard,annoying, and cringy theos and fire magic fanboy. you can find him on the WoM wiki being an ass too

oh ok, he has a crush on theos

Despite being glitchy it is still the most far along playable wise, but after learning about Arcane Legacy, the recoded version is much further along, as well as its system like the chatting system, the ui in settings, that cool lite screen shake when you use magic it’s pretty cool and definitely feels better than Arcane Reborn, but in terms of playability, AR is gonna be what people play until AL:R comes out

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