Theoretical PVP Meta


Don’t Savants have 24 spells/techniques due to two magics and a fs/two fs and a magic?

Same thing with hybrids have 16 due two magics/fs (Vit hybrids have 16 rn :skull:)

I think it means level as player level, not magic level as that would just be busted

Both warriors and mages will get arcanum weapons (Not unique mage-only or warrior-only arcanum weapons, but they will get it)

Thing is, the only confirmed thing to be unique about mages/beserkers apart from 3rd magic is their ancient spells/teqniques. Nothing else is confirmed rn

Oh great clairvoyant one, tell me how a Warrior will cast a spell and why a Mage would need Arcanium Weapons when Magic Weapons will exist.

Doth thou knoweth that Strength Weapons were thought to be usable by both pure builds which was an incorrect idea?

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No clue on how vetex would go about it, but it is certain that vetex is going to make it usable by both warrior and mage
(It states its most effective with conj, but can still be used by warriors and mage’s)

As it states above, how it works is pretty clearly stated:

Mage would have no problems with it, however warrior might be tricky. Perhaps he would make warrior’s aura its own ‘magic’? Who knows.

maybe they could cast their original magic with them?

I doubt it, as the warrior forgets their magic

I think its similar to the aura they get, its just going to be like a weapon-specific “magic” (Im using magic here with huge airquotes)

Or perhaps it’s just an outdated card of ideas he had way before he made awakenings or even strength weapons.

Anyways this was a fun convo even if it doesn’t have like an correlation to the main topic

I can see Warriors using magic in a way with weapons like some fire musket shooting essentially a blast, but Arcanium Weapons just seem dumb and out of bounds to me.

But hey maybe it’s like rams/cannons, and if so I’m rioting since Berserker got nothing

Well we’re mostly basing this information off of the trello page as its the only source of (Mostly) confirmed material.

Still though, what do you think is the best build then?

None of them because playstyle is a big meta factor, look at Warlord rn it’s only meta with Berserker and Warlock due to airstalling.

I just don’t got those psychic skills to predict a meta years away that might be based off of an unbalanced move, superior kit, annoying playstyle, broken combo, etc.

True, though some things I think will never be properly balanced (See my discussion about mage’s core philosophy)

I could see the whole boat thing being solved if Hover does actually return but then you’d be a sitting duck.

Cmon vetex just give us floaty combat instead of anchored combat :frpensive:


My aim is too bad for that

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I want mage to stop being a zoner first, I think it should be a sub-playstyle IMO

I want to see those god damn bloody savants throwing hands with me when I god dammit throw a nuclear warhead on their dumb heads

Damm that was agressive.

i’m not sure but unlikely pure builds

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I would vote savants too but you can’t spell warden without the W


Imm suprised alot of people voted mage tbh even though I made a post outlining why mage is probably bad for bounty hunting