Theoretically can i get a sunken sword (even if bad enchant) for 100k fish bait

theoretically (cuz i only have like 14% of that right now) could i get a sunken for that much or more fish bait? and yes i have an autoclicker

swift is meta sadly

oh rlly? whats the worst then?


ok fixed

i didnt know swift was actually good for weapons

best weapon enchant in AO rn

should I risk enchanting my vastira?

useless weapon + getting removed so it wouldn’t matter

isnt it strong? or like better than hard and clean


i need my comps

hoping its exchanged for something good in AO :pray:


66% chance of getting a decent/best enchant so yes do it + if you get swift, then that’s “”“meta”"" in AO allegedly

all the people who invested and overpayed for hard sunken swords must be mad af :skull: :skull:

is strong still a thing in AO? Asking because i know strength is getting removed and want to know if the weapon enchant is too


alr will enchant :+1:

Good luck, I would try to bless you but my enchanting luck has been actual ass since forever now so nah


at least I got a hard wiz chest and hard wiz pants + powerful power amulet

Me who is going bursting so tiger rush lands more often: :sob:

@AlexSchuyler werent you looking for 100k fish bait? heres someone